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KERI (Age 26)

Women from: Lima, Ohio, USA plenty of room for attractive,nice natured woman not a bad guy at all,open minded ,nice natured,self employed decorator,love a laugh,love my bike, view 6 photos
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I like to have fun. Meet New people and experience new things. view 5 photos
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AMY (Age 39)

Horny Women Lima OH Lookin for fun only! Looking for an imaginative man who isn't afraid to let me know what he wants to do to me sexually! Be creative, and the more detailed, the better! view 7 photos
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MURIEL (Age 38)

This looks like fun This looks like fun, could lead to more... Only I don't have any way of contacting any one on here at the moment. If you would like to send me email address then we can chat and make plans ,if you dont like what you see then just put a block on me. But you wont be sorry...looking forward to hearing from you view 4 photos
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SOPHIE (Age 36)

alway trying new things I like to enjoy sex, nice personality, fun, and alway trying new things. view 1 photo
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ODESSA (Age 37)

Hi, there let's have fun. I am sexy loving Female from Lima, Ohio and enjoy sex. just me I am me view 3 photos
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ALBERTA (Age 38)

Discreet Dominant couple seeking submissive bisexual female. view 7 photos
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TRACEY (Age 28)

i'm up for anythin normal tall blue eyed interested in older women teach me a thing or 2 please no bondage um i have tattoo's and some facial pearcings i love gettin dirty view 6 photos
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JAYNE (Age 37)

a Girl located in Lima, Ohio seeking a guy Hi All hot and.... view 4 photos
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NOELLE (Age 36)

I am a married female from Lima Ohio looking for some side action i like cookies and other things. view 3 photos
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LYNDA (Age 31)

aktor is the name love is my game Looking for a friend Seeking for a lover Tasting every breath Capturing the moment view 1 photo
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TABITHA (Age 33)

i'm a hot man, jajajajajaja. 'am curios in my world all's perfect. view 1 photo
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MAUDE (Age 40)

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JOHN (Age 30)

kick butt girl Sometimes I come off alittle aggressive, but that is just my competetive nature. I grew up with 4 older bros and I have always had to kinda hold my own. I'm a redhead. I work hard for a living, but try to not stress out about it too much. I have been out of the dating scene for a while, because of a bad relationship I had last year, but I think I ready to kick my social life in high gear and actually have some fun in my love life again. view 4 photos
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MARIE (Age 21)

Bored lady looking for discreet fun with assertive guys Meduim height, years old, non-assertive but easy going, very genuine. Looking for bit of excitement only. Really dont have an ideal to be honest view 4 photos
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GAYLE (Age 23)

Looking For Fun I am stuck in a dead end relationship. My wife has chosen not to take advantage of my healthy sex drive. Will you? view 8 photos
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JULIET (Age 34)

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EDWINA (Age 39)

I'm 18 yrs old and love to be outide and love to have fun and hanging out with people view 6 photos
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GRETA (Age 28)

Looking for a good time Good cook and carpenter view 8 photos
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JANA (Age 37)

Hello Ladies and Gentlemen Hi! I'm a young, curious guy looking for a good time. i REALLY want to see what's its like with both a guy and girl. I've had girls, but just recently started wondering what its like to have both. so if your interested, hit me up! view 3 photos
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